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Property Management Blog

Long-Term Buy-and-Hold Strategies

Listen and follow on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you enjoy podcasts!Subscribe to our Channel on Youtube! Jonathan Cook: On today's episode of The Investing Revolution, we're going to talk about three of the most popular strategies in real estate investing. We're g...
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Do You Need a Real Estate Agent When Buying Atlanta Homes?

You might be on the fence about whether or not you need a real estate agent to help you buy a home in Atlanta. After all, with all of the information available online these days, it seems like you should be able to do most of the work yourself, right?Wrong. There are plenty of go...
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How to Find the ROI for Cash Transactions

How much can I rent my house for? How do I calculate the return for my rental property investment? If you’re asking these questions, you’ve come to the right place for answers! However, when buying real estate, property owners have two options: paying for it with...
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Busted! 8 Myths About Buying Atlanta Homes

When renters consider buying Atlanta homes, myths about home buying can sometimes prevent them from following through with the next steps. However, many myths are based on a lack of information about the issue or incorrect observations. If you have already decided to buy a h...
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Rental Pricing

Listen and follow on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you enjoy podcasts!Subscribe to our Channel on Youtube!Jonathan Cook: On today's podcast of the Investing Revolution, we're going to talk about rental pricing. We're going to talk about how we come up with it and wh...
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What Allowing Pets Will Do to Your Atlanta Rental Property's ROI

Asking 'how much can I rent my house for?' may be an urgent question when getting a property rental-ready. However, investors must also answer another pressing question: whether or not to allow pets-and how the decision could impact ROI. Having a pet as a life c...
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Are You Ready to Be an Atlanta Homeowner?

Buying a home is an important decision for anyone, especially if it’s their first home. It's a big transition from renting to buying! When beginning this first-time home buyer journey, it's important to make sure you are prepared for what lies ahead. There are&...
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TPPR Tenant and Property Performance

Listen and follow on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you enjoy podcasts!Subscribe to our Channel on Youtube! Jonathan Cook: On today's episode of The Investing Revolution, we're going to talk about the TPR, what that means, and how that's going to make sure that your ...
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What Is The Investing Revolution Podcast?

Listen and follow on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you enjoy podcasts!Subscribe to our Channel on Youtube! ANNOUNCER: This is the Investing Revolution, a podcast designed to help your real estate investment strategy. On this podcast, we'll teach you the actionable steps to ...
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10 Ways to Boost Tenant Retention and Increase ROI In Atlanta

Owning an investment property can be a great way to build long-term wealth. When you are a rental property owner, keeping your investment occupied is crucial to maximizing returns! A great way you can do this is by retaining tenants and minimizing lease rollover. Today our Atlant...
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